Dual Purpose Birds

Appleworm™Orchard breeds two varieties of dual-purpose fowl, birds suitable for both meat and eggs.

One is the Muscovy, a large semi-wild duck.  Not only are these birds very easy to care for, they are also very tasty.  Particularly enjoyed in our household is the pan-seared breast of young drake.  Their eggs are also very good for eating, especially baking, as their high viscosity helps bind and moisten batter.

The other table bird is the Red Dorking, an ancient chicken that, though of Mediterranean ancestry, was a staple of the English diet since Roman times and popular with the American colonists because the hen is also a good layer of medium-sized white eggs.  When we turn an old Red Dorking rooster into coq au vin, everybody fights over the thigh meat.  For more information about these two breeds and Appleworm’s™ ambitions regarding them, please click on the links to the right.